Branches in spain

Barcelona is the central office of CIMNE which has 800m2 in one of the buildings of the UPC Campus Nord, in the heart of the School of Civil Engineering.

Campus Nord UPC

CIMNE Building C1
C/ Gran Capità, S/N
08034 Barcelona, Spain
Tel. +34 93 401 74 95

CIMNE's premises in Lleida are located at the Parc Agrobiotech, one of the main scientific and technological platforms of the agri-food sector and ICT in the Catalan and national sphere.

CIMNE-BEE Group Lleida

Parc Agrobiotech Lleida
Turó de Gardeny, H3 Bulding,1st floor, wing A, office 11
25003 Lleida, Spain
+34 694 484 777

Since 2024 CIMNE offices in Madrid are located in

Calle General Oraá, n.º 70, 6º izquierda
28006 Madrid, Spain

The CIMNE-Terrassa branch was created in 2001 and consists of 150m2. There is the department of building energy and environment (BeeGroup).

Campus de Terrassa UPC

Edifici GAIA (TR14)
C/ Rambla Sant Nebridi, 22
08222 Terrassa, Barcelona, Spain
Tel. +34 93 739 85 75