CENIT ─ Innovation Unit in Transport at CIMNE

The main activity of CENIT is knowledge generation transport related, from logistics and mobility, to its transmission to society through research, training and technology transfer. Since 2001, CENIT has carried out a large number of research projects, development and technology transfer projects in different areas of transport economics and engineering. The main goal has always been trying to focus on the social agents demand in specific areas. Especially in urban environment, enhancing the comfort of its inhabitants, providing more efficient transportation, and respect the environment. Investing in new mobility solutions so as to help streamline and optimize traffic management.

Likewise, CENIT participates in the planning and functional design of transport systems (infrastructure and its management), the simulation of demand (ports, railways, public transport, traffic, goods) and demand forecast. Its expertise consists also in operations and logistics costs optimization, transport economics, evaluation of the economic, financial and social profitability in transport projects. The analysis of transport systems from the perspective of service, functionality and business.